Our Picket Café Fences are ideal for sidewalks and street vendors

The Picket Café Fence will enhance the look of the front of your Cafe.

Check out our new line of Eco friendly Picket Café Fence, it is made from recycled plastic Pickets on a Powder coated steel frame. The fence is easy to assemble and disassemble, and easily stores away. It’s a different look to your normal Café Barriers.

Available in colours White, Off White, Black, Blue or Red.

Café Fence Specifications

All Café Fences are designed & manufactured in Australia, We have sourced local materials from Australia with high quality workmanship.

Sizes: Heights come in 375mm, 500mm, 900mm.

All lengths are custom made to fit the front of your Café.

Cafe Fence - Temporary fencing Ideal for sidewalks & street vendors

Personalised Fence Pickets

Café Fence can engrave your fence pickets to add a personal touch.

>> Click here to see our engraver in action

Café Fencing Weight Bags

Heavy duty PVC, metal shot filled flexible weight bags, with handle.
Manufactured in Australia.

Sizes: Available in 5kg or 10kg sizes.

Cafe Fence - Weight Bags for temporary Cafe Fence

Call us today
0410 612 700

Contact The Picket Fence Company now for a free quote.
The Picket Fence Company has the right solution for your next event.

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